Trapshooting Clinic Overview
Learn from a Phil Kiner, who is a 33-time All American
2-400X400 All Arounds – World All-Around Record
995 HOA World Record
41 — 100’s From 27 Yards-number 3 on ATA all time list
You will receive my PERSONAL ATTENTION
… there’s only 10 shooters in each clinic.
General Clinic Information:
This clinic is designed to give all groups of shooters additional tools to help you progress to higher levels of shooting expertise. I make extensive use of the video camera by taping the participants and then replaying the tape in the clinic so you can see your technique and then improve it.
Class Overview:
The session starts at 8 a.m. with a “chalk talk” of about 90 minutes. In addition to the basics, there we have extensive discussion regarding vision and mental attitude and concentration. You also receive concentration “tips” that are immediately applicable to your shooting. Next we initial CHECK GUNFIT. We then go to the practice line – to shoot and videotape.
On day two of the two-day clinic we shoot 25 singles warm-up and then switch to handicap (125 targets) and then doubles (150 targets). We conclude the clinic with a short session on eye exercises.
I have used this format across the country the past 10 years with positive results. Feel free to contact me to get the names of any former student for their opinion. If you have further questions please feel free to call or e-mail me. For more information, please call me (cell) 307-630-6362 or e-mail me at [email protected].
A Typical Clinic Schedule for 2 one-day clinics or 1 two-day clinic is from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Day 1 Format
8 to 10:15 am … | Chalktalk session of basics, mental theory, visual and gun fit |
10:15 am to noon … | 16-yard shooting / Tape review |
noon to 1 p.m. … | Lunch / Overview |
1 to 6 p.m. | Handicap shooting / Tape review |
6 pm to ??? … | 50 pair doubles for anyone who wants to … at no extra charge. Plus, eye exercises and wrap up if only a one-day format. |
Day 2 Format
8 am to 6 pm | Shooting 25 16’s 125 hdcp and 150 doubles. Plus, eye exercises and wrap up. |
Clinic Size:
I limit large-group clinics to a maximum of 10 shooters in order to give everyone the kind of personal attention they need to shoot their best.
What to Bring:
Paper and Pen/Pencil: Be prepared to take notes from the tape replay. You should make and take home notes on things to work on based on the video of your shooting. These will include such things as stance, mount, gun placement on shoulder, right hand left hand issues and other such things.
Lunch: Check with the gun club regarding lunch arrangements to see if you need to bring a sack lunch. Lunch will be spent reviewing and analyzing. There is not a formal “lunch break.”

5Ammo and Gun : Shooter provides his or her own ammunition and gun. You will shoot 175 targets (typically 75 –16’s & 100 hdcp) plus 50-100 more if you shoot doubles. Reloads are fine.
1 day = $300
2 days = $450
Clinic fee for the day
1 shooter = $650.00
2 shooters = $900.00
A $50 deposit is required to hold your spot. The deposit will be returned if weather cancels the class. Weather-related decisions for go/no-go are made by the class.
Target Fees are payable to the host gun club IN ADDITION to the course fee.
Sign-Up Sheet:
Please click here for a copy of the sign-up sheet. When completed, you may either mail to:
Phil Kiner
8225 Arrow Wood Ln
Cheyenne, WY 82009
307-630-6362 cell
Or you may e-mail me the same information that I ask for on the form to [email protected].
I will be happy to give you references on your request.
Personal Lessons:
I am available for personal lessons. Unless you want a different format, I use the same approximate format as a standard clinic. The fee is $650.00 per day for 1 person or $900.00 total for 2.
Personal lessons are typically given in Cheyenne, WY. The club in Cheyenne is approximately 2 hours driving time from Denver International Airport. United Express also serves Cheyenne from DIA.
Also you can also catch me before or after some of the large shoots.
Booking Information:
I am available and will go virtually anywhere. All that I need is one trap and clubhouse space for 10 people. If you want to set up a clinic, just get in touch with me, set a tentative date and start the process.
Once a date is selected, sign-up can be handled in one of two ways:
- If you handle local promotion, sign-up, and deposit collection, I credit $100.00 to your clinic fee for a 1-day clinic and $200.00 for a 2-day clinic.
- If I handle sign-up and deposit collection, then no credit is given.
10 people is the maximum in a clinic per day
The minimum “days” required for me to hold a clinic varies somewhat with distance. Typically, to travel to a distant location I need two clinic days at a minimum, unless I am passing that way already.
If you are interested or simply have questions, please feel free to contact me:
Phil Kiner
8225 Arrow Wood Ln
Cheyenne, WY 82009
307-630-6362 cell
[email protected].